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It's 2019, at this point in the game, you gotta be down for yourself. You have to be the one to hold yourself up and love yourself. Have that self care and self respect along with tough love to call yourself out on your OWN b.s. Because people aren't just gonna start doing it. That whole "New Year, New Me" doesn't mean they are gonna start treating you any better. If anything they find new ways to use you as a doormat and find a new doghouse to put you in. You have to use 2019 to start treating yourself like you've been wanting to be treated. 2019 is a year for self care. You come first because if you aren't right, you can't fully make the pieces of your life fall into place. #selfcare
It's 2019, at this point in the game, you gotta be down for yourself. You have to be the one to hold yourself up and love yourself. Have that self care and self respect along with tough love to call yourself out on your OWN b.s. Because people aren't just gonna start doing it. That whole "New Year, New Me" doesn't mean they are gonna start treating you any better. If anything they find new ways to use you as a doormat and find a new doghouse to put you in. You have to use 2019 to start treating yourself like you've been wanting to be treated. 2019 is a year for self care. You come first because if you aren't right, you can't fully make the pieces of your life fall into place. #selfcare
11Long time ago
"la vie est folle mais je la vis quand même" ❤
"la vie est folle mais je la vis quand même" ❤
13Long time ago
Happy New Year. 2018 was um interesting to say the least but it had lessons to teach along with battles that had to be fought and waters that were filled with what seemed to be well death haha. But making it to the end shows that you learned what had to be learned. We cannot be sure what 2019 holds but we can try and make it a good year. So time to put 2018 to rest and welcome 2019 with open arms. Much love and peace. Also so proud of everyone who decided to not let the problems in 2018 beat you down enough to make you give up on trying for the future. #happynewyear #2019
Happy New Year. 2018 was um interesting to say the least but it had lessons to teach along with battles that had to be fought and waters that were filled with what seemed to be well death haha. But making it to the end shows that you learned what had to be learned. We cannot be sure what 2019 holds but we can try and make it a good year. So time to put 2018 to rest and welcome 2019 with open arms. Much love and peace. Also so proud of everyone who decided to not let the problems in 2018 beat you down enough to make you give up on trying for the future. #happynewyear #2019
11Long time ago
Merry Christmas💙❤ hope everyone has a good day! Much love and peace❄❤
Merry Christmas💙❤ hope everyone has a good day! Much love and peace❄❤
123Long time ago
"Hi o machimasu"
"Hi o machimasu"
315Long time ago
"твоя красота потрясающая моя дорогая"❤
"твоя красота потрясающая моя дорогая"❤
220Long time ago
"сломанная, но красивая душа" 💜
"сломанная, но красивая душа" 💜
215Long time ago
Gonna leave this here because oh boy it seems to get harder around the end. After going for so long it seems that you just can't go on anymore. But it becomes worth more as you continue to push because you work for it. It pays off in the end.
Gonna leave this here because oh boy it seems to get harder around the end. After going for so long it seems that you just can't go on anymore. But it becomes worth more as you continue to push because you work for it. It pays off in the end.
212Long time ago
115Long time ago
Be happy because it's fun, feels good, and because it's what you want; not because someone told you that you have to be.
Be happy because it's fun, feels good, and because it's what you want; not because someone told you that you have to be.
20Long time ago
This is a PSA. People need this because, honey some people just don't know when to stay in their lane away from other people's lanes. If you want your lane (life) to be messy, then beep beep go ahead. But do not spread your trash onto the highway for everyone to be affected by. It is not okay. Your life span can be longer if you just stay in your lane because you won't stress about mess that isn't yours nor will people try to harm you. Cut the messiness and just focus on your lane. Because while you are busy looking over at someone else, your lane is full of holes and cracks that could use some good old attention.
This is a PSA. People need this because, honey some people just don't know when to stay in their lane away from other people's lanes. If you want your lane (life) to be messy, then beep beep go ahead. But do not spread your trash onto the highway for everyone to be affected by. It is not okay. Your life span can be longer if you just stay in your lane because you won't stress about mess that isn't yours nor will people try to harm you. Cut the messiness and just focus on your lane. Because while you are busy looking over at someone else, your lane is full of holes and cracks that could use some good old attention.
9Long time ago
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving❤much love
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving❤much love
618Long time ago
Gonna change my hair again...because welp I can🤷
Gonna change my hair again...because welp I can🤷
18Long time ago
A few of the happy birthdays from some of my favorite people! It was an amazing day but I'm done now. I'm tired👍✌
A few of the happy birthdays from some of my favorite people! It was an amazing day but I'm done now. I'm tired👍✌
21Long time ago
Turning 19 just got a lot better❤
Turning 19 just got a lot better❤
22Long time ago
I finally am 19. After what seems like forever. This year was kinda hard but I've had people who have been with me through this year and the years leading up to this. The only thing I want today is for everyone to have a good day. The only thing I have to offer today is love and happiness. So I hope everyone has a good day. And thank you to all of the people who are gonna make this a good day for me❤
I finally am 19. After what seems like forever. This year was kinda hard but I've had people who have been with me through this year and the years leading up to this. The only thing I want today is for everyone to have a good day. The only thing I have to offer today is love and happiness. So I hope everyone has a good day. And thank you to all of the people who are gonna make this a good day for me❤
615Long time ago
Just gonna leave this quote here. It says all that needs to be said. Never stop because life doesn't stop, just because you fall..doesn't mean it stops for it. Time and life keeps going even if you don't want to.
Just gonna leave this quote here. It says all that needs to be said. Never stop because life doesn't stop, just because you fall..doesn't mean it stops for it. Time and life keeps going even if you don't want to.
112Long time ago
116Long time ago
Thought #2: Life hurts. This is a fact. It hurts more when you run out of Band-Aids and oils to heal you. But if you try and shelter yourself then will you really get the fullest out of life? There are so many things to see and enjoy, and you can't see it all while rubbing and nursing a cut or bruise you got from falling. Wrap it once and enjoy what you're passing by because who knows when you'll see it again.
Thought #2: Life hurts. This is a fact. It hurts more when you run out of Band-Aids and oils to heal you. But if you try and shelter yourself then will you really get the fullest out of life? There are so many things to see and enjoy, and you can't see it all while rubbing and nursing a cut or bruise you got from falling. Wrap it once and enjoy what you're passing by because who knows when you'll see it again.
9Long time ago
Thought #1: try being just you. I can bet money that you trying to be you would make you the best you ever. No one can do the job that you were born to do. No can be a better you. Yeah some days you don't feel like being you because it may seem hard but if you were someone else then everyone would miss who you actually are. The world would be deprived of something beautiful and amazing and that is you. People may think you could do something better but just remember that you will always be better than them at something...you can do something that they could never pull off and that is being the person you were meant to be.
Thought #1: try being just you. I can bet money that you trying to be you would make you the best you ever. No one can do the job that you were born to do. No can be a better you. Yeah some days you don't feel like being you because it may seem hard but if you were someone else then everyone would miss who you actually are. The world would be deprived of something beautiful and amazing and that is you. People may think you could do something better but just remember that you will always be better than them at something...you can do something that they could never pull off and that is being the person you were meant to be.
114Long time ago
I've learned that you have to like, love, and maybe even tolerate yourself before you can expect someone else to. If you wouldn't want to be in a room alone with you, then why look for someone else to want that? You can't expect someone to be the main person to love you truly and fully, because that is your job. Your job is to make sure you are getting what you deserve and need...meaning you will surround yourself with people who love you and care for you. Your job is to also make sure you avoid the things that you don't deserve....meaning avoiding the toxic relationships and the toxic people. It is just like giving your body the food that can keep it going in the proper way. Feed it junk and it gives out. Feed your heart junky and trashy people who only want to hurt it, then it will crumble and give out. Be smart with you so others can too.
I've learned that you have to like, love, and maybe even tolerate yourself before you can expect someone else to. If you wouldn't want to be in a room alone with you, then why look for someone else to want that? You can't expect someone to be the main person to love you truly and fully, because that is your job. Your job is to make sure you are getting what you deserve and need...meaning you will surround yourself with people who love you and care for you. Your job is to also make sure you avoid the things that you don't deserve....meaning avoiding the toxic relationships and the toxic people. It is just like giving your body the food that can keep it going in the proper way. Feed it junk and it gives out. Feed your heart junky and trashy people who only want to hurt it, then it will crumble and give out. Be smart with you so others can too.
18Long time ago
I don't really feel like typing this all over again so just read the picture 
I don't really feel like typing this all over again so just read the picture https://unf.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0uLPPLzcjus4mvX
19Long time ago
пожары ада должны потреблять🔥
пожары ада должны потреблять🔥
310Long time ago
I bought Wow Presents Plus just for them.. I'm not ashamed 😊 @trixiemattel @katya_zamo
I bought Wow Presents Plus just for them.. I'm not ashamed 😊 @trixiemattel @katya_zamo
13Long time ago
Rotten on the inside and out☠
Rotten on the inside and out☠
14Long time ago
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